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DSPs (3)
Words from a DSP

Historically, DSPs primarily served as caregivers for the people they supported. In the past few decades, however, the needs of those served began to change, and the roles of DSPs began to change as well. Today, the role of a DSP goes beyond caregiving and focuses more broadly on supporting people with disabilities to participate fully in their communities, live in integrated settings and seek competitive integrated employment (CIE). Some of the roles of a DSP include:

6 roles of a DSP

Proudly serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1953

we thrive (2)

Our Mission:

To provide person-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities that promote independence, inclusion, and empowerment to reach their personal vision of happiness and life satisfaction

Our Programs

Providing helpful information and aligning community resources

Community Participation

Emphasizes community integration and competitive employment.

Early Invervention

Provides Developmental Therapy for infants and toddlers ages birth to three.

Leisure Services

Provides a comprehensive therapeutic recreation program.

Residential Services

Provides safe and affordable housing or assist individuals to live as successfully and independently as possible.

Sunshine Industries

Provides short-term vocational training and long-term employment and operation of a fully functioning metal shop with the ability to handle your projects efficiently and effectively.

Supported Employment

Provides opportunities for competitive employment while offering a level of support that meets the individual's needs.

Inclusion is everyone's ability

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