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The Lunch House Blue Plate

Enjoy a  “meat and two” lunch from The Lunch House Diner.  Cost: $7.50 which includes a choice of meat, two vegetables, and bread.  Orders required by noon the day before.  

Special Olympics Volleyball Practice

Practice for this year’s Special Olympics volleyball team started in January but you can still get in on all the fun.  Practices are every Wednesday through March 7th and should be attended on a regular basis.  The local Special Olympics of Greater Knoxville (Area 5) Tournament is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 8th.  Practices are… Read More »Special Olympics Volleyball Practice


Thursdays from 3:45-5:15.  Important Pickup Change!  All bowlers must now be picked up at the alley by 5:15 unless participating in an activity after bowling.  Location: S&S Fountain Lanes.  Cost: $6.

Cinderella: The Musical at Knoxville Children’s Theater

Knoxville Children’s Theatre presents Cinderella: The Musical on March 2nd.  This classical Rodgers & Hammerstein musical features all the classic elements of the beloved fairy tale and has been adapted for the always entertaining talents of children.  Participation Option 1:  Leave Sunshine at 4:30 PM to eat dinner before the play.  Cost: $22.  Participation Option… Read More »Cinderella: The Musical at Knoxville Children’s Theater

Knoxville Ice Bears

Knoxville Ice Bears Hockey- Friday, the 6th-  This is our last visit of the season to see our Ice Bears when they will take on the Pensacola Ice Flyers.  Participation Option 1:  Leave Sunshine at 4:30 pm to eat dinner before the match.  Cost: $22.  Participation Option 2:  Leave Sunshine at 6:30 PM for hockey… Read More »Knoxville Ice Bears

Two Mile Walking Group

Two-Mile Walking Group- Tuesdays-  Location: Victor Ashe Park. Times: 2:45-3:4:30. Cost: $1.  

Unified Softball

Unified Softball with Knoxville Parks and Recreation– Tuesdays   The assessments have been completed and the rosters filled.  This “integrated softball league” at Caswell Park has experienced tremendous growth in just its second year and will take place every Tuesday through May 29th.  Please remember to wear appropriate clothing to play softball and to dress according… Read More »Unified Softball

Chinese Sale

Chinese Food Sale-  Wednesday, the 11th-  Cost: $7.00.  Must be paid for by noon the day before.