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Latest Past Events

“Whatever Happened to Little Red Riding Hood?”

“Whatever Happened to Little Red Riding Hood?”- Friday, February 2nd-  Knoxville Children’s Theatre, in partnership with The Ritchie Company, will present their hilarious version of “Whatever Happened to Little Red Riding Hood?” Red Riding Hood was supposed to be at Granny’s at 3 PM, but the little girl never showed up. Granny turns detective and… Read More »“Whatever Happened to Little Red Riding Hood?”


Bowling-  Thursdays from 3:45-5:30.  Cost: $6

Special Olympics Volleyball Registration and Practice

Special Olympics Volleyball Registration and Practice-  Volleyball practice begins on Wednesday, the 24th.  Practices will be every Wednesday through March 7th.  The local Area 5 tournament is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 8th.  All practices will be held at Lincoln Park Baptist Church on Chickamauga Avenue.  We will leave Sunshine at 3:45 and return at… Read More »Special Olympics Volleyball Registration and Practice